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I couldn’t be anything other than a romantic at heart — it’s my nature, it’s who I am. But this isn’t a typical story of traditional love. It isn’t a fairy tale. No happily ever after neatly tied up with a shiny bow. It’s a memoir of the reality left behind in the wake of grief — the desolation, the resurrection, and final culmination life offers to the fallen.


This is a journey through love…the love of self, love of a friend, and sometimes love is ugly, messy —destructive.


My name is Bastian Thames…and this is my story.

by Stephie Walls

Kristie -

OMG! OMG! OMFG! This book, this author, this everything.


I savored this book from the beginning. It is heartbreaking as hell, not even gonna lie but has probably the hottest sex scene I've ever read!


The friendships in this book were amazing. The love and devotion that Nate has for his best friend is beyond anything you could imagine. Bastion has seen so much tragedy in his life but yet he's got so much love left, he's willing to do anything to be who Sera needs, even if he loses himself in the process.


Sera deals with more than anyone should have to endure, she's in so deep that she can't see what's right in front of her.


Another thing I'm not gonna lie about, they do not ride off into the sunset, that's all I'm saying about that! It's not your typical HEA if I'm being honest, but it ends how it needs to

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