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Dark Notes


They call me a slut. Maybe I am.
Sometimes I do things I despise.
Sometimes men take without asking.

But I have a musical gift, only a year left of high school, and a plan.
With one obstacle.

Emeric Marceaux doesn’t just take.
He seizes my will power and bangs it like a dark note.
When he commands me to play, I want to give him everything.
I kneel for his punishments, tremble for his touch, and risk it all for our stolen moments.

He’s my obsession, my master, my music.
And my teacher.

by Pam Godwin

Kristie -

Holy mother f***er! This book was AMAZING! If you are even remotely into dark you need to read this!! Or even if you are curious about dark give this a go! Pam Godwin is always an auto 1-click and this is no exception!

I was enthralled from the first page, anything forbidden, dark, dangerous and completely wrong and I'm on board! Emeric & Ivory as a pair I tell you, she's smart, beautiful, strong and quite sassy, she doesn't put up with anything from anyone, well except men, even in most of those situations she is still getting what she wants out of the deal. Emeric, man where do I start, he is moody and dangerous and sexy as sin. He will bring out your deepest darkest fantasies!

This book is so much more than you will expect, it's got the dark side, but it also has it's sweet moments, the last couple chapters were not what I expected, but so absolutely perfect!

This is definitely a top read of 2016 and my fave dark read for sure!

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